Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Show me some love....

So i know this is a new blog. And I know that’s the big thing about blogs getting people to read them. But here's the thing...

I really want a comment.

I'm writing this all just for me, and I know its not that good (although I do have some real zingers brewing), but come on, just one. Now I could tell the family about it, get them to read it, friends too. But I really want to reserve the right to talk about them. When I write about my freakishly aloof mother or my passive-aggressive mother-in-law, I want this to be my safe zone. Sure, I have plans like all of you - this is going to be the biggest blog ever, thousands of hits everyday, the masses waiting to hear what comes out of my wacky mouth next, etc., etc. But when that day comes and my mom happens upon a link here from the drudge report she reads religiously (scary I know), I can talk my way out then, but not from the beginning.

So please, if you are out there and you happen upon me, drop me a line. Anything really, I’ll even take a, “You suck!” Granted, I will delete it immediately and cry to my husband and think about giving up blogging forever, but at least I will know you are out there.

Thanks – the author

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