Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The first five....

So here it is my big first post in my new blog and I have nothing to say.....



So lets start out with a little introduction 5 of the the first 25+ things about me:

1. I'm 25+ years old. Why 25+? Well, 25 was a great year, 26 rolled around and I said, "Um, no thanks. I'll stick with 25" So every June we celebrate a brand new anniversary of 25. I don't plan on being that crazy old lady that insists she 38 or anything - I will update when another good year comes along - maybe 30+ or 32. Only time (or time plus) will tell.

2. I have a dog - and a cute dog at that. He is a mutt, pound dog special.

3. I work for a Community College. It is just a bureaucracy hop, skip and a jump away from the DMV. Our student population is full of kids that need a break – they come from poverty, bad high schools, rough home lives, and long lines of bad decisions. Some days I think I am helping the world be a little better place; some days I think I should be working on screenplay. Because really – you can’t make this crap up.

4. I’m an only child. Sharing is hard.

5. I know that deep down I do have something to say.

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